Engineering Puns and Double Entendre

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They say if you enjoy your job you never work a day in your life. When the language of engineering is so prone to wordplay it’s easy to keep yourself amused if you have a boyish sense of humour. Here are some of my favourite terms that even after all this time still have me giggling.

Suction Head
The centrifugal pump is spinning in fresh air, there’s no suction head

This shaft is way oversized, it’ll never fit in that hole. We could try lubricating it first.

The orifice is all blocked. There’ nought coming out. Pass us the screwdriver or a cereal that’s bran heavy.

This bearing is automatically lubricated. She’s good to go.

Stop messing about and let’s mount the flange.

Female mating connector
I’ve got the female part, wheres the male connector gone?

Bastard file
Pass me that bastard file. This thing is rougher than a badger’s arse

Discharge Head
That’s barely a trickle coming out of there, there’ s no discharge head.

Make sure that gusset is clean before mounting.

Hardened shaft
This bad boy is a Molybdenum case hardened. That’s a hard shaft right there!

Quick let’s get this erected and then let’s get out of here!

These nuts are ceased, they haven’t been used in a while

Suck, squeeze, bang, blow
Generally the order of engines is suck, squeeze, bang, blow.

Jack screw
Turn that jack screw and let’s get this baby up in the air

Have you seen any strippers about? They forgot to terminate these wires

Crack growth
I swear that crack is getting bigger. Let me mark it.

That endoscope tip is oily. Pull it out and let me spit on it.


That bolt hasn’t gone in far enough. You need a longer one to achieve more penetration


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